Award Winning Projects
NCA Named One of PBN’s Most Innovative Companies in 2013.
Over 100 Design Awards
American Institute of Architects New England Design Excellence
American Institute of Architects CT Built Honorable Mention Award
American Institute of Architects CT Preservation Honor Award
American Institute of Architects RI Design Citation Award
American Institute of Architects RI Honor Awards
American Institute of Architects RI Honor Award for Urban Design
American Institute of Architects RI Honorable Mention Award
American Institute of Architects RI Merit Awards
American Institute of Architects RI People’s Choice Awards
American Institute of Architects RI Preservation Award
ARISTA Sustainable Tourism Design Award
Bristol Historic District Commission Award
Boston Society of Architects Design Award
Builders Association of Greater Boston Prism Award
BUILDER Magazine Builder’s Best Award The Tides, Bristol, RI
Building Stone Institute Tucker Design Award
Décor Magazine Merit Award Arnold Art Store & Gallery, Newport, RI
Newport Life Magazine Best Architect Award
NCA, Newport, RI
Doris Duke Historic Preservation Award
East Greenwich Historic District Commission Preservation Award St. Luke’s Church, East Greenwich, RI
Education Design Showcase Design Excellence
Grow Smart of RI Adaptive Reuse Award
International Masonry Institute Award KVH Headquarters, Middletown, RI
Luxury Living Magazine Design Award
MA Builders & Contractors Excellence in Historic Preservation Award
Metal Architecture Magazine Honorable Mention
NAHB Pillars of Industry Award for Best New Loft Community
NAHRO National Merit Project Design Award
Dedford Farm, East Greenwich, RI
NAHRO New England Regional Design Excellence Award
National Concrete Masonry Association Honor Award
Newport Historic District Commission Restoration Award
Bienvenue, Newport, RI
North American Copper In Architecture Award
Preserve Rhode Island Merit Award
Preserve Rhode Island Merit Award for Historic Landscape
Preserve Rhode Island Preservation Awards
Providence Preservation Society Preservation Award
Ronald McDonald House Competition Winner
Ronald McDonald House, Providence, RI
Rhode Island Division of Planning Land & Resource Award
Scituate Reservoir Zoning, Scituate, RI
Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission Award
Rhode Island Monthly Magazine Special Mention
Rhode Island Monthly Magazine Design Bronze Award
Rhode Island Monthly Magazine Design Silver Award
Sierra Club Smart Growth Project Award
Middletown Town Center Vision Plan, Middletown, RI
Waterfront Historic Area League Preservation Award
Levi Standish House, New Bedford, MA
Acclaimed By
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
Albert Einstein